The Journey – HIM Artificers’ (Navy) getting reconnected
Post retirement, when tried to understand the real civvies world, I observed that even the lowest level of person employed here, had some back up/connection from their colleagues and respective departments. Whereas we, in spite of sharing the unique bonding, while in service, remained isolated and found none around us who could share our real joys and sorrows. Hence a thought occurred to reach out to Partners and have a common platform, where Artificers of Himachal could meet and get connected up.
Partners Mulkh Raj Sharma A/79, Vijay Chadhury A/79, Karan Guleria A/88 and Ajay Sharma (myself) A/75, had discussed it many a times but due to lack of connectivity, could not proceed ahead. One fine evening, at the onset of spring, in the month of late March 2012, when we were socialising at a restaurant near Paprola HP the same discussion came up and it was decided to fix the date for an Artificers` get-together, however small, the strength may be.
14th April 2012, Saturday was fixed to be the day for the first Get-together. Ptnr Milap Chand Rana A/70 who owns Hotel Dolphin at Dadh near Chamunda, was contacted and he readily and happily offered his property to be the venue for the first meet of HIM Artificers’. Thereafter, the fruitful journey encompassing the following milestones:
History of Himachal Artificers (Navy)
And the journey goes on………………..