6th HIM Artificers’ Meet (Family) – 01 Nov 2019 at Moniker Resort Manali
The 6th HIM Artificers’ Meet was held on 01-03 Nov 2019 at Moniker Resort Manali. It was a decent gathering of 45 families and few stags. The Meet was graced...
Naval Artificers' Association (HP)
The 6th HIM Artificers’ Meet was held on 01-03 Nov 2019 at Moniker Resort Manali. It was a decent gathering of 45 families and few stags. The Meet was graced...
The journey to HAA registration was painstakingly long yet fruitful. The initial idea had taken birth during Palampur Meet, thereby a core WA group was formed consisting of Partners; KR...
Usually, HIM Artificers’ have been conducting its annual get together around Diwali, as most the partners are on leave, but the event was given a break during 2016 & 2017. It...