PM Cares Donation – Artificers of Indian Navy

It is a great achievement by Artificers fraternity (Partners) to have achieved target of 24 lakhs for PM'S care fund. I shall thank all Artificers on behalf of Himachal Artificers Association - UD Sharma A/74 President HAA.

Good job!….We have shown….applause unlimited with gratitude….display of patriotism couldn’t have been better than this….Thank you all Partners. Well done.Kartar Chand Rana A/61, Vice President HAA.

HAA team, Ptnr UD Sharma, A/74, Prem Sharma A/87, Suneel Arya A/92, Tanuj Sharma A/101 and myself Ajay Sharma A/75 convey our earnest gratitude to our piers Ptnr BS Ajji A/36, Ptnr Janaki Pattanaik A/52 for bringing forth the concept and leading the movement in co ordination with Ptnr Iqbal Singh A/59 & Ptnr NG Dhall A/64. Special thanks to Ptnr Jai Shankar A/35, Ptnr Swaminathan A/41, Ptnr Subhash Chander Sharma A/48, Ptnr Sanjib Choudhury A/54,  Ptnr PN Dubey A/58, Pawan R Kummar A/63, Ptnr SK Bansal A/84, Ptnr ETO Mukesh Kumar A/86, Ptnr Sanjeev Shandilya A/86, Ptnr Sushant Mahakud A/103, Ptnr Sudhir Khatri A/110, Ptnr Prem Girijan Menon A/112, Ptnr Pradeep Kumar A/115, Ptnr Sunny Charak A/116 & Ptnr Rajneesh Verma A/118 for being nodal in spreading the message and fetching donations.

Our heartfelt gratitude to rather all partners, helping in this mammoth exercise with special mention of partners from classes as senior as Ptnr VG Nambiar A/17, Ptnr Jagdish Mittar Wasdev A/19 & Ptnr Thomas Chaze A/20 down to Ptnrs Vineet Mishra & Sandeep Bisht A/140.

The spirit of class and togetherness as exhibited by Groups / Associations / Organisations / Classes, who donated collectively viz; CHENNAI ARTIFICERS’ ASSOCIATION, EX NAVY ARTIFICERS’ WELFARE ASSOCIATION – KOCHI, ODISHA ARTIFICERS PARTNERS (OAP) and the classes A/86, A/103, A/110, A/112, A/115, A/116 & A/118 needs a special mention. Finally, very special thanks to my round the clock back end team; Prem AA/87, Suneel ERA/92 & Tanuj ERA/101.                                          LONG LIVE PARTNERSHIP!

Note: The drive for PM-Cares Fund  through HIM Artificers Association has been completed/closed at midnight (00:00) on 22 April 2020. The class wise pdf list of the donors is placed below for public download. 

31 Replies to “PM Cares Donation – Artificers of Indian Navy”

  1. Sukhender

    Hi ptnr very nice initiatives. What is last date to submit this amount in PM care fund . How it is planned to Pay . As some people are intrested to join team on that occasion.

    Sukhender AA/ 88

  2. Surinder Singh A-90

    Partner Prem,
    Deposited 1100/- to Him artificer association for PM Care Fund.
    ref no ..010710154197 dt 16 April 20 from HDFC

  3. Yogesh Kumar Sharma EAR/ A85

    Good afternoon partner,
    A great initiative as a community action. I sincerely request you to accept a small token amount as my contribution to this noble cause. Best wishes and regards.



    A-85 SWA

  5. Anay Ghosh

    Hi Partner,I am Anay Ghosh A/86 EAR from Begusarai, Bihar .Please accept my contribution towards PM Care fund .Thanks for all the effort being put by Artificer fertinity .

  6. Ajay Sharma
    Ajay Sharma

    Thanks a lot A/86 for being kind enough to transfer there surplus fund of annual meeting to HAA account for PM care fund. Thanks Mukesh for initiating the process and making your class agree, D’silva for arranging money transfer and Shandy for transferring the money and each and every Partner of A/86 for being part of this drive. You guys are wonderful… Long Live Partnership..๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  7. V Santosh Kumar, EAA/87

    Great Initiative Partners.

    We, Chennai Artificers, have contributed our bit to the cause. This was in addition to many Chennai Artificers contributing directly to PM cares fund.

    Would also like to draw the kind attention to the fact that We Chennai Artificers are presently involved in some other activities like contributing towards the Mid day meals for unemployed labourers at our local level who are affected by the Covid. We are also planning a donation to our Chief Minister’s relief fund.

    • Prem Sharma
      Prem Sharma

      Very many thanks to Chennai Artificers Group for generous donation, so far highest at Rs 50004 (as group). Appreciate your other efforts like contribution towards Mid-Day meal for unemployed laborers. Here too, in addition most of the artificers have donated to PM Cares Fund as well CM relief Funds. We all are also doing out bit to help the needy of unorganized sector. HAA has also been registered for volunteers for awareness and essential supply with Govt. Santhosh… Convey our BIG ThanQ to the Artificers of Chennai for the noble gesture.

      Long Live, the Partnership!

  8. Satish warade

    Partner , I would like to pay my contribution and for my classmate
    After paying donation amount is it possible to provide the income tax rebate certificate to all partner .

    • Prem Sharma
      Prem Sharma

      I am afraid ptnr that may not be available here. You can pay directly to PM Cares Fund to avail the tax benefit.

      However, most of us have paid directly to PM Cares Fund as well as some amount here thru HIM Artificers Association, as it has been designated by all India artificers to collect pan India from Artificers community and hand over the sum generated to PM Cares Fund on The name of Indian Navy Artificers.

  9. Sudhir Singh

    Thanks Partners for the beautiful initiative.. pledge our whole hearted support to this drive.. hopefully we’ll be able to make an IMPACT.. even though it may be quite trivial.. but it’s one significant step towards a better future.. Long live Partnership.. Long Live India our Motherland !!!
    Jai Hind

  10. Mahesh kumar Sharma

    It’s a very fine initiative by the association and I firmly believe that ” Before you think what nation has given you ,think what you have given to the nation ‘.May the association be successful in its benevolent drive.

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