Minutes of the GBMs (HAA) – AIO

Minutes of General Body Meetings can be viewed online or downloaded below:

1. Governing Body Meeting(a) The meetings of the governing body of the society shall be held at least once in Six months. The society shall at least send 15 days notice for such meeting to its members along with agenda notes. (b) The meeting of the governing body can be called at any time by the President or General Secretary and on request signed by at least one-third members of the governing body. (c) The President, however, may call an emergency meeting, at any time in case of emergency situation in the interest of the society duly informing all members of the governing body.

2. General Body Meeting: The meetings of the general body shall be held at least once in a financial year in accordance with the provisions of Himachal Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2006.

3. Special Meeting: (a) A Special General meeting can be called at any time by the President or on a requisition containing the proposed agenda and reasons for such meeting in writing of one fifth of the members of society or at the instance of Registrar of the societies. (b) A special meeting of the General Body shall be convened by the Secretary of the Governing Body with the prior approval of the President and on the receipt of the requisition made by at least one-fourth of the members of the Society or whenever the President/ Governing Body thinks it fit. The requisition should reach the Secretary at least 30 days before the date of the meeting and the Secretary , after approval from the President/ Governing Body shall include them in the Agenda of the meeting. The President/ Governing Body , however , may call a special meeting of General Body at as short notice as deem necessary.

3. Recording of proceedings of meeting: The proceeding of every meeting of the governing body and general body shall be duly recorded by the Secretary in a proceeding book under the signatures of President and Secretary of the Society. The minutes of such meetings shall be communicated to all the Members within 30 days of the said meetings.

4. Quorum and Notice of General body and Governing body Meetings(a)  The quorum for the governing body meeting shall be at least two third of its members. (b)  The quorum for the general body meeting shall be more than one half of its members. (c)  The society shall at least send 15 days notice for such meetings to its members along with agenda notes. A meeting    may be called by serving notice through regular mail, e-mail, fax, mobile, Whatsapp or any other mode available.

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