Legal Document By Laws and Constitution of HIM Artificers’ Association
HIM Artificers’ Association (Registration No. 1316/2019), registered under HP Societies Registration Act 2006 is governed through set of bylaws – the constitution.
Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partner) of Navy from Himachal Pradesh automatically becomes member of the association as soon as he joins the service. Following are the additional conditions which are to be fulfilled:
(a) He/she is the Serving or retired Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partner) of the Indian Navy. (b) In case of death of an Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partner) the wife of the Partner automatically becomes member of the Association. (c) He / She is not having unsound mind and insolvent.
For ensuring continuous flow of money for undertaking all welfare activities, annual contribution of Rs 100/1200 on Monthly / yearly respectively, will be collected from all the members. The money is to be contributed directly in the Associations Account. However the subscription is not mandatory. Person willing for higher donations can also deposit the amount in the account under intimation to any of the member of the Executive Committee.