About HAA

HIM ARTIFICERS’ Association, Himachal Pradesh is an organization of retired and serving members of Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partners) of Navy and their Families. An Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partner) of Navy becomes member of the association as soon as he joins the service. The association has played a very vital and positive role in betterment and welfare of the Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partners) of Naval community.

GENERAL BODY: Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partner) of Indian Navy from Himachal Pradesh automatically becomes member of the association as soon as he joins the service. Following are the additional conditions which are to be fulfilled:

(a) He/she is the Serving or retired Apprentice Entry Artificer (Partner) of the Indian Navy. (b) In case of death of a member the wife of the Partner automatically becomes member of the Association. (c) He/She is not having unsound mind and insolvent. (d) For ensuring continuous flow of money for undertaking all welfare activities, annual contribution of Rs 100/1200 on Monthly/yearly respectively, will be collected from all the members. The money is to be contributed directly in the Associations Account. However the subscription is not mandatory and non depository will not be liable for any action. Person willing for higher donations can also deposit the amount in the account under intimation to any of the member of the Executive committee.


1. To work for the benefit, welfare and development of the Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partners) of Navy and their families, for Social, Cultural and Professional development of members of the Apprentice Entry Artificers’ community as well as the Association and people of Himachal Pradesh:

a) To institute and establish scholarship, grants, prizes and rewards for the Apprentice Entry Artificers’ (Partners) of Navy and their families. b) To co-operate and maintain constructive liaison with organizations interested or working in the field of welfare and developments of people in the Himachal Pradesh. c) To promote among the members of the Association a spirit of Partnership, fellow feeling and to develop mutual association by organizing meetings, cultural programs and other activities conducive to the attainment of this objective. d) To publish a journal on the subjects relating to management and administration and publish any circulars, periodical, books, leaflet and to prepare, print and publish and distribute such journals, books and other publications. e) To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise Acquire or to hold any movable or immovable property rights or privileges and to improve and develop any or all of them which may be deemed necessary or convenient for any of the purpose of the Association. f) To invest the funds of the Association in such manner as may from time to time be determined. g) To negotiate and enter into any arrangement with other professional bodies, government, municipal or local authority that may deem conducive to all or any of the objects of the Association. h) To appoint or employ person or persons that maybe required for the purposes of carrying out the objects and functions of the Association and to pay them or to other persons salaries, wages, gratuities, provident funds, pensions, commission, fees and such other emoluments. i) To create such classes of members such as patrons, affiliated members, Honorary Members, ordinary members as may be considered necessary to promote the above objects. j) To accept grants, donations, contributions or subscription from the Member and non- member for promotion of the objects of the Association. There shall be no limit on the donation amount. However, there shall be separate provision for political funds. k) To contribute, donate and give aid, pecuniary or otherwise to any person, association, body and/or movement having objects similar to those of the Association. l) To build, construct, maintain, repair, adopt, alter, improve or develop or furnish any building or works considered necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Association. m) To contribute and subscribe for, purchase and ownership of a flat or a building or piece of land and to become member of a co-operative society directly or through the office bearers or other members of the Association for acquiring such ownership for the purpose of promoting the objects of the Association. n) To sell, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange and Otherwise transfer or dispose off, any property movable or immovable of the Association as may be necessary or convenient for the working of the Association. o) To borrow and raise loan from recognized financial institutions and secure its repayment in such a manner as the Association shall deem proper or convenient for furtherance of the above objects. p) To prepare and maintain accounts and other relevant records and annual statement of accounts including income and expenditure account and balance sheet of the Association. q) To do all such other things as may be necessary for or incidental or conducive to the aims and objects of the Association or allied there to. r) To Provide interest free loan to the members of the Association. s) To develop and maintain harmony amongst the members of the Association. t) To organize General Body Meeting and harmony functions on occasion of festivals like Holi, Diwali etc. u) For the protection of the environment the Association shall undertake volunteer work as necessary.

GBMs & AGMs 12/06/2021
GBMs & AGMs 20/07/2020
Donation - Navy Artificers 29/03/2023
Donation - Navy Artificers 26/04/2020
Donation - Navy Artificers 29/03/2023
GBMs & AGMs 07/02/2020
GBMs & AGMs 07/02/2020
GBMs & AGMs 07/02/2020
GBMs & AGMs 07/02/2020
GBMs & AGMs 07/02/2020

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