Launch of Website –
The very spirit of “class and partnership binds us together“, therefore, let’s come together and rejoice the good old days and bring back the partnership into action. Dear HIM Partners, it has been a great moment with launch of exclusive and dynamic Website ( for HIM Artificers’ – The Naval Artificers’ Association (HP) on Artificers’/Partners’ day, the 18th Jan 2020. Partner Prem Sharma, AA/87, is the architect of this website, who has designed and developed it. Acquiring, compiling and integrating the data has been very tedious and uphill task but Prem Sharma with his dedicated and consistent efforts, made it so easy for us. The more I say about him, the less it seems. We are very fortunate to have Partners with such traits, with us.
Request everyone to get registered and explore the website. Feed back and suggestions in the form of comments will usher long way in further improvements. Request all HIM Artificer Partners to regularly visit and contribute through comments, feedback, old photos and posts/articles for publishing through “uCan Post” in the main menu.
Photos Upload: All members are requested to upload / submit photos of good old days to this website under Flash back, Left for Ever and NextGen galleries. You are required to be registered user and logged in order to upload photos.
Members – Upload / Download: Upload of pdf files by members for the use by others (download) is available on Downloads Page.