Journey through Registeration of HAA

The journey to HAA registration was painstakingly long yet fruitful. The initial idea had taken birth during Palampur Meet, thereby a core WA group was formed consisting of Partners; KR Verma ERA/44, KC Rana A/61, KC Guleria A/65, Rajeshwar Singh Mankotia A/66, UD Sharma A/74, Ajay Sharma A/75, Mulkraj Sharma A/79, Vijay Chaudhary A/79, Sanjeev Shandilya A/86, Mukesh Kumar A/86, Vijay Saklani A/87, Prem Sharma A/87, Hoshiar Singh Rana A/87, Suneel Arya A/92 and Tanuj Sharma A/101 to further deliberate and collect copies of Adhaar Cards as requirement.

Accordingly, the constitution was drafted by Suneel Arya A/92, in accordance with HP Society Act 2006. There were 4 drafts in total owing to further deliberations and corrections. The fourth draft copy was handed over to Partner KC Guleria A/65 and Tanuj A/101 for further action. Thereafter, Tanuj prepared the ground work in consultation with concerned legal luminaries and also made personal visits to Shimla towards registration. As Ptnr UD Sharma was based at Shimla, all the documents were handed over to Ptnr UD Sharma A/74.

Meanwhile a General Body Meeting of the proposed society was convened on 03 Nov 2018, at Purnam Mall, Bilaspur (during 5th HIM Artificers Meet) with a view to register a society under the provisions of HP Societies Registration Act 2006 in presence of the following:-

1 Kartar Chand Rana ERA/61 362449557589 Kangra
2 Rajeshwar Singh Mankotia EAA/66 665377260020 Kangra
3 Umeshwar Datt Sharma EAP/74 935914684368 Shimla
4 Ajay Kumar Sharma EAP/75 462826117948 Kangra
5 Mahesh Kumar Sharma EAR/83 596877506332 Mandi
6 Prem Lal Sharma AA/87 494978121924 Bilaspur
7 Suneel Prakash Arya ERA/92 768878785580 Mandi
8 Tanuj Sharma ERA/101 946463114654 Kangra

For the purpose, the present founding members of the society unanimously elected chairman / President of the day Sh Prem Lal Sharma and thereafter, the following resolutions were unanimously passed:

(a) Name of the Society shall be HIM Artificers’ Association (HAA). (b) The area of operation shall be all over Himachal Pradesh. (c) The office/head office of the society will be situated at House of Mr Anuj, Vill Agojar, PO-Andretta, Teh-Palampur, Dist-Kangra (HP). (d) The management of the society will be entrusted by the Bylaws/Regulation of the Society to Governing / Executive Body unanimously elected by GBM to date  (03/11/2018) and whose names, designation, Adhar numbers and addresses are given below:-

1 EAP/74 UD Sharma President 935914684368
2 ERA/61 Kartar Rana Vice President 362449557589
3 EAP/75 Ajay Sharma Secretary 462826117948
4 EAR/83 Mahesh Sharma Joint Secretary 596877506332
5 ERA/101 Tanuj Sharma Treasurer 946463114654

(e) The President, Secretary and Treasurer are authorized to open and operate bank account of the proposed society. (f) That the President, Secretary & Treasurer are hereby authorized to make any alteration / deletion / addition and sign all relevant documents of registration.

Hereafter, all the related work was taken over by the President (UD Sharma A/74). Finally, after paying numerous visits to the office and endless corrections made to bear the fruit on 26th day of April, 2019,  HAA came into existence, almost after 3 and 1/2 years of collective efforts by partners.

In the mean while a Current Account at SBI Palampur was opened and as per GBM held at Hamirpur, subscription of Rs 1200 per annum was decided for the membership of the HAA. Some generous partners also donated to HAA for the buid-up of initial corpus. The Bank details : State Bank of India, A/C Name: HIM Artificers’ Association, CA No : 38442713745, Branch: Palampur, IFSC code: SBIN0000692 

Further, during Manali GT – Nov 2019, the task of PAN for HAA, which was required was voluntarily taken by Rajeev Shandilya A/88 and accomplished during the month of Dec 2019.

List of Subscription: Available at Membership Page    |    List of Donations: at Donation Post 

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