4th General Body Meeting – Palampur

A general body meeting / Artificers Day celebration were held on 25 Jan 2020 at Palampur. The minutes of meeting are placed here for further discussion (thru comments to this post) and can also be downloaded.

1. President of the Association Ptnr UD Sharma, A/74 opened the meeting, welcoming all participant partners.
2. Secretary of HAA laid down the minutes of Agenda for one-at-a-time-discussion, which were as follows:-

a. Group Insurance Scheme with LIC – Previous pending issue (Ptnr UD Sharma, A/74)
b. Starting an Academy at Indora. (Ptnr. Vasu A/57 & Ptnr. DS Katoch A/70)
c. Need of issuing disclaimer by HAA and advisory regarding sharing of information in social media associated with Him Artificers. ( Ptnr. Karan Guleria, A/88)
d. Social work during get to-gethers. (Ptnr. Lt. Sanjeev, A,105)
e. Donation of outdated and unused Desk top computers to Govt. Primary schools.(Ptnr. Karan Guleria, A/88)
f. Drive to collect HAA subscription for 2020. ( Secy HAA)
g. Differentiation between paying and non-paying members of HAA (Previous pending issue)
h. Addition of additional office bearers. (Secy HAA)
i. Meeting of office bearer with Dy Secy Ex Servicemen cell regarding placement issues of partners. (Karan Guleria, A/88)
j. Registration, posting articles in website
k. PPT presentation about Condition Monitoring Project. (Puneet Sharma, A/107)

3. Financial status as on 18 Jan 2020 : INR 330,925.00.
4. As we had ample of time, each point was discussed exhaustively. The conclusions of the discussion were as follows:-

a. Group Insurance Scheme: It was informed by the President that the range of age for group insurance is 40-65 yrs. Upper limit age can be extended upto 70 yrs after the approval of LIC HQ. Atleast 50 in No. of participants would be needed to start the Group Insurance. The President of the Association was given.

b. Go-ahead signal by the General body. Year of age wise premium details will be posted in the social media groups and himartificers.in website. OPEN

c. Educational Academy: Ptnr. Daljit Singh Katoch, A/70 was generous enough to offer space in his premises to the Academy by HAA at rental amount of INR 1/- per year. After elaborate discussion it came out that we should go for a coaching Academy for preparing the kids of interior areas for competitive and entrance examinations. Unfortunately, Ptnr. Cdr. Ashmeet Siddhu, A/73, a lead in this project was not able to attend the meeting due to adverse circumstances, Hence the President suggested to continue further discussion on-site at Indora on pre-decided date in near future. OPEN

d. Disclaimer and Advisory to serving Partners: It was concluded that HAA being a legal body, under is legal obligations to disassociate it from any unlawful activity. As a result of recent security breach and in line with directive issued by the Indian Navy, a disclaimer and directive of not sharing any information about any naval activity or any activity of Naval Personnel attributed to Indian Navy. The resolution was anomalously adopted. CLOSED

e. Social activity during Get together: It was highlighted that HAA does not conduct any get together as of now; hence it does not fall within the preview of the Association. Nevertheless, Get-to-gather Committee may be approached which can seek the consent of participants. CLOSED

f. Donation of unused outdated Desktops: It was discussed that unused and outdated desktops at homes can be donated to underprivileged Primary schools of far flung areas so that the kids therein could have an exposure to computers. The resolution was adopted and again, Ptnr DS Katoch, A/70 offered 10 pieces of desktops for the cause. HAA will arrange to collect and donate the desktops. CLOSED

g. Drive to collect HAA subscription for 2020: It was concluded that financial health is the key of any Association and steps should be taken to keep it in growing state. It was decided by the General Body that Annual subscriptions for the financial year 2020-21 must be collected within first three months of the financial year i.e. till 30 June. Therefore it is stressed that all members should pay the annual subscription by 30 Jun 2020 for year 2020-21. CLOSED

h. Differentiation between paying and non-paying members of HAA: The discussion on this contentious issue was carried forward and discussed exhaustively. Following opinions emerged:-

i. Only paid members should be considered as members of HAA.
ii. Only paid members should get the benefits.
iii. Only paid members should have right to be office bearers OR/AND
iv. Only paying members should have right to vote.

(Issue remains open for opinions and discussion)

i. Addition of additional office bearers: To regulate the expanding activity effectively, it was suggested to upgrade the strength of office bearers. Keeping the diverse areas in mind, it was felt to tap the talent amongst us and assign the right job to right person. To maintain the balanced representation, following criteria was kept in mind while proposing the names:-
i. Branch
ii. Area
iii. Class range
iv. Experience and interest

Keeping above all in mind, following names were proposed:-

i. Suraj Prakash Sirmaurya A/86 EAR – Academics and Blogging
ii. Prem Sharma A/87 AA – Web, IT & database
iii. Anil Kumar 105 SWA – Group Insurance
iv. Puneet Sharma A/107 ERA – Projects

Their induction as Additional Joint Secretary is approved by the President and General body.

i. Meeting of office bearer with Dy Secy Ex Servicemen cell regarding placement issues of partners; It was suggested to set up lines of communication with Dy Secyof the cell so that Partners looking for placement through cell can get benefitted. HAA Governing body Partners will meet Dy Secy of the ESM cell. Approved. CLOSED.

j. Registration, posting articles in website : All partners are requested to register in himartificers.in and make it more interactive and informative by posting articles, write ups or any positive information which may be helpful to our fraternity. No articles on Politics,religion,caste,creed, explicit materialand any write up leaking out any military information to be posted on the site. CLOSED.

k. PPT presentation about Condition Monitoring Project: Puneet deserves to be applauded for the presentation on Condition Based maintenance project. If implemented, this can generate employment for a few Partners, can generate funds for HAA , can save losses of HPSEB by foreseeing the developing defects and taking pre-emptive actions to prevent any breakdown in addition to unwanted replacement of parts. Efforts will be put in to present the case to the department. – OPEN.

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5. President of HAA, Ptnr UD Sharma closed the meeting by giving vote of thanks to all participants, with a special mention of Ptnr. Hemant Bhardwaj, Ptnr DS Katoch, Ptnr Kuldeep Singh (Who made superb arrangements for the meet), Ptnr. Prem Sharma for his tireless work on developing the website, Ptnr Puneet for his wonderful presentation and all partners who could not make it to the meet but supported and made their presence from remote. Go 2 Gallery

3 Replies to “4th General Body Meeting – Palampur”

  1. Sunil Kumar Bharol
    Sunil Kumar Bharol

    Excellent Compilation ptnr Ajay.
    Few suggestions:
    1. Point which are open should have a target end date
    2. Also few points like Meeting of office bearer with Dy Secy Ex Servicemen cell regarding placement issues of partners …this point is closed but I assume the meeting is yet to happen …so suggest point closure post meeting with sec. exservicemen cell and its outcome….
    These are just suggestions others can give their opinion.

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